InKoom– Promoting the development of a just and inclusive society in Kyrgyzstan
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About the project

Project "InKoom - Promoting the development of a just and inclusive society in Kyrgyzstan"

The project is being implemented by the NGO "Agency for Social Technologies" and the NGO "Center for Sociological, Political Science and Socio-Psychological Research" with the financial support of the European Union in the period 2022-2025.

The main goal of the project “InKoom – Promoting the Development of a Just and Inclusive Society in Kyrgyzstan” is to help reduce the level of violence against women, youth and children, as well as to promote an increase in the number of human rights organizations and media with accessible, independent and high-quality resources, including to provide free legal aid to the population and the empowerment and access of citizens to the human rights agenda, which are key development challenges.

The project focuses on strengthening the role of youth through the promotion of gender equality and media, human rights and democracy, as well as removing obstacles and activating factors that facilitate meaningful youth participation. Young people can make a significant contribution to human rights, democracy, gender equality and media freedom, and society will benefit from their participation. Good laws, strong institutions, and youth empowerment are interrelated aspects of an effective democracy.


• Strengthening the capacity of civil society, women's and youth organizations in combating discrimination in all its forms and especially violence against women, as well as promoting political dialogue on gender equality and women's rights, and ensuring active participation and inclusive growth, decision-making through the expansion empowerment of women regardless of ethnicity, religion or disability.

• Empower media representatives and help promote investigative journalism and protect fundamental freedoms, promote and protect freedom of opinion and expression through transparency and accountability, and strengthen media and digital skills and counter hate speech in the media information, as well as engaging young people in sustainable development, focused on building a fair and inclusive society.


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European Union Website of the Delegation of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic

NGO "Social Technologies Agency"

NGO "Center for Sociological, Political Science and Socio-Psychological Research"
