The analytical note is based on legal regulation and law enforcement in the area of protection of the rights of women and girls with disabilities from gender-based violence.
It is based on legal regulation and law enforcement in the area of protecting the rights of women and girls with disabilities from gender-based discrimination and violence in the Kyrgyz Republic.
discrimination and violence in the Kyrgyz Republic, particularly around primary contact measures, criminal justice responses, prevention and protection.
criminal justice system, prevention and protection. These categories reflect obligations
developed in accordance with international treaties and reflected in the jurisprudence of
of human rights monitoring and judicial bodies.
This study is addressed to implementers from public authorities and local communities (lawyers, investigators, prosecutors, and the judiciary).
This study is addressed to implementers from state authorities and local communities (lawyers, investigators, judges, prosecutors, NGOs/local activists, including human rights monitoring and judicial organizations).
activists, including organizations for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities, mass media) on issues of
protection and defense of the rights of women with disabilities.
The publication was developed by the “Kyrgyz Association of Women Judges” within the framework of the project “InKoom- Promotion of Development of Women with Disabilities”.
“InKoom - To promote fair and inclusive society in Kyrgyzstan”,
implemented by the PA “Social Technologies Agency” with financial support from the European Union.
European Union.