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“Results of gender monitoring of the election of deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic”
On November 29, 2021, at a press conference, the representatives of 3 non-governmental organizations, united for public monitoring of the election process of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic scheduled for November 28, 2021, introduced the preliminary results of the election. monitoring the election campaign.
“A project to promote the development of a just and inclusive society starts in Kyrgyzstan”
A project to promote the development of a just and inclusive society in Kyrgyzstan is launched in Kyrgyzstan The project will aim to help reduce the level of violence against women, youth and children, as well as help increase the number of human rights organizations and media with accessible, independent and quality resources.
“NGO “Agency for Social Technologies” conducts a study”
NGO "Agency for Social Technologies" is conducting a study aimed at assessing the current situation with gender equality in the country with a focus on women and girls with disabilities, in connection with which we invite you to take part in an anonymous survey.