Director of the Agency of Social Technologies Zulfiya Kochorbaeva took part in the meeting of the Council on the Rights of Women, Children and Gender Equality on 16 February 2024.

Zulfiya Kochorbaeva, Director of PA “STA” and co-coordinator of the Alliance of Women’s Legislative Initiatives, proposed priority areas to promote the goals of gender equality and women’s political participation.
The Council is an advisory and consultative body under the Mayor of the Jogorku Kenesh.

In his speech, the Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh Nurlanbek Shakiev said that measures are being taken to increase the role of women in the socio-political life of the country. The Speaker also noted that the law established a 30 per cent quota for women in local councils and special attention is paid to ensuring that women deputies are elected to the Jogorku Kenesh.

Speaking about some of the problems in the country, the speaker dwelt on the difficulties faced by children of migrants. “Often the problems of migrant children growing up without parents due to internal and external migration are left unattended. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Migration, more than 88 thousand children in Kyrgyzstan are left to be raised by their relatives as a result of migration flows. This is a great tragedy for us. Because children who do not see their parents for a long time have psychological and social problems, and there are those who commit suicide. Therefore, we need to work actively in this direction,” the speaker said.