On June 15, 2024, a nationwide quiz dedicated to the social and legal issues of people with disabilities was held in Kyrgyzstan. The event brought together students from 10 leading higher educational institutions of the country, representing 7 regions of the Kyrgyz Republic, based on the results of student conferences held in the regions.

The main goal of the conference was to raise awareness and understanding among young people about the inclusion and integration of citizens with disabilities into society. Students presented the results of their research and projects covering various aspects of the lives of people with disabilities in Kyrgyzstan.
Special attention was given to the issues of inclusive education and employment for this category of citizens. Conference participants actively discussed the current situation, identified problematic areas, and proposed their own solutions.
During the event, quizzes were conducted to test participants’ knowledge on the socio-legal status of people with disabilities in Kyrgyzstan. The winners were recognized for their contributions to studying and popularizing this important topic. Based on the results of the competition, the best works and knowledge about the situation of people with disabilities were presented from the following educational institutions:
1st place: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B.N. Yeltsin
2nd place: Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev
3rd place: Batken State University
According to the Deputy Chairman of the Council on the Affairs of Persons with Disabilities under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, distinguished lawyer of the Kyrgyz Republic, Tolkunbek Isakov, over 213,000 people with disabilities live in Kyrgyzstan, and the level of implementation of their rights is low. “To change the situation, we decided to work with youth, specifically with students. We conducted a series of academic conferences at 10 universities in the country on the topic ‘The Socio-Legal Status of People with Disabilities in Kyrgyzstan.’ As a result of these conferences, three winners were selected from each university. Today, we held a nationwide quiz where all these teams participated. The essence of the event was to draw public attention to the issue of disability and to spread this information among students. The contribution of students to the creation of an inclusive society is invaluable!”
This success highlights the importance of integrating and supporting people with disabilities in society, as well as the role of youth in changing attitudes towards this group of citizens. The conference became an important step towards creating a more open and inclusive society in Kyrgyzstan, where every person has equal opportunities for self-realization and participation in public life.
The conference was organized by the Public Foundation “Providing Legal Assistance to People with Disabilities,” with the support of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek, the Public Fund Fair and Sustainable Development Solutions (FSDS), and the project “InKoom – Promoting the Development of a Fair and Inclusive Society in Kyrgyzstan,” implemented by the Social Technologies Agency with the financial support of the European Union from 2022 to 2025.